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Bosnia War Facts and History

 Fact And History of Bosnia War
Crimes of Serbia 

Serbian Crimes

The terrorist who killed worshipers in a mosque in New Zealand was listening to the Serb song in the car while he was going to carry out the crime

 The song that the Serbs used to sing as they killed the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the genocide war:

 Which the Serbs launched against the Muslims of Bosnia, and in which 300,000 Muslims were martyred.

 60,000 women and girls were raped.

 A million and a half emigrated.

 - Do we remember her?

 Did we forget it??

 Or do you not know anything about it at all??!!

 - CNN anchor talks about the memory of the Bosnian massacres, and asks (Christiana Amanbor), the famous reporter:

 Does history repeat itself?

 - CNN's Kristiana Amanpour comments on the memory of Bosnia:

 It was a medieval war, killing, besieging and starving Muslims, and Europe refused to intervene, saying:

 - A civil war, and that was a myth..!

 The Holocaust lasted about 4 years, during which the Serbs destroyed more than 800 mosques, some of which dated back to the sixteenth century AD.


Bosnia 🇧🇦 War

They set fire to the historical library of Sarajevo.

 The United Nations intervened and placed two gates at the entrances to Islamic cities.

 such as Gorajeda, Srebrenica, Zepa,

 But she was under siege and fire.

 The protection did nothing.

 - The Serbs put thousands of Muslims in detention camps, tortured them, starved them, until they became skeletons..!

 When a Serbian leader was asked: Why?

 He said: They do not eat pork!

 - The Guardian published the days of the Bosnian massacres, a full-page map showing the locations of the rape camps of Muslim women,

 17 huge camps, some of them inside Serbia itself..

 The Serbs raped the children, a 4-year-old girl, with blood running through her legs.

 The Guardian published a report on it entitled:

 The girl who accused her of being a Muslim..

 - The butcher Mladić called the leader of the Muslims in Ziba to a meeting.. and gave him a cigarette, laughed with him a little, then pounced on him and slaughtered him..

 And they did things to Zeba and her family.

 - But the most famous crime was the siege of Srebrenica,

 The international soldiers (the Crusaders) were staying up with the Serbs, and dancing, and some of them were bargaining with the Muslim woman in her honor, in exchange for a bite of food..

 - The Serbs besieged Srebrenica for two years... The bombing did not stop for a moment,

 The Serbs were taking a large part of the aid that reached the town.

 Then the West decided to hand it over to the wolves: the Dutch battalion that protects Srebrenica and conspired with the Serbs,

 They pressured Muslims to surrender their weapons in return for safety..!

 The Muslims refused after exhaustion and torture.

 Having calmed the Serbs, they attacked Srebrenica,

 They separated their males from their females,

 They gathered 12,000 males

 (boys and men)

 They slaughtered them all and mutilated them.

 Some forms of representation:

 The Serb was standing on top of the Muslim man and digging his face

 It is an image of the Orthodox cross

 (From a report in Newsweek or Time).

 - Some Muslims were begging the Serb to prepare him for the severity of the pain..!

 As for the women, their honor was assaulted, some of them were burned to death... and others were displaced in the horizons.

 The slaughter continued for days in Srebrenica.

 Her fall was at the end of July 1995

 It was the last chapter of our brothers' war of extermination

 Those whose fault was that they are Muslims like us.

 - The mother used to hold the hand of the Serb.. She begged him not to slaughter a piece of her liver so that he would cut off her hand and then

 He cuts his neck in front of her eyes..!

 The massacre was taking place...

 We used to see, hear, eat, have fun and play.

 After the slaughter of Srebrenica, the butcher Radovan Karadzic entered the city as a conqueror and declared:

 Srebrenica was always Serbian and is now back in the arms of the Serbs..

 - The Serbs were raping a Muslim woman.. and imprisoned her for 9 months until she gave birth. Why?

 A Serbian told a Western newspaper

 We want Muslim women to give birth to Serb babies.

 - We remember Bosnia, Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Srebrenica.


Bosnia Genocide

We move and return:

 We will not forget the Balkans.

 We will not forget Granada.

 We will not forget Palestine.

 - On the 25th anniversary of the European and Serb crime in Bosnia

 We say: We will not forget, we will not forgive.

 We will never ever believe

 Slogans of tolerance, coexistence and human rights.

 - In the midst of the killing in Bosnia, a French newspaper wrote:

 It becomes clear to us from the details of what is happening in Bosnia

 Only Muslims have a culture

 Beautiful and civilized..

 - And here we must record with an ink of shame... the positions of the old Orthodox (Peter Ghali), who was then the Secretary of the United Nations,

 Who blatantly sided with his Serb brothers..

 But after 25 years, we haven't learned the lesson.

 - An inevitable addition: the Serbs were choosing to kill

 Religious scholars, mosque imams, intellectuals, and businessmen used to tie them up, then slaughter them, and throw them into the river..!

 - If the Serbs entered a town, they began to demolish its mosque

 And one of the Muslims says:

 If the Serbs demolished the mosque of the town, we have no choice but to flee from it, the mosque represented everything..!

 I remember that a British newspaper described the extermination of Muslims in Bosnia with this phrase:

 A war in the twentieth century waged in the style of the Middle Ages..!

 My brothers in Islam:

 So that we don't forget and remind future generations....

 God is enough, and yes, the agent .


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کیا تم پر اتنے مصائب اور مشکلات آئے ہیں؟

  ( (( ک کیا تم پر اس طرح کی مشکلات آئی ہیں ! ))) --- ١)           کیا تمھاری بیٹی کو طلاق دے دی گئی ہے ؟ تو سنو رسول الله ﷺ کی دو بیٹیوں کو طلاق دی گئی !! °°°° ٢)         کیا تمھاری اولاد میں سے کوئی فوت ہوگیا ہے ؟ تو سنو رسول الله ﷺ کی ساری اولاد آپکی آنکھوں کے سامنے انتقال کر گئی سوائے سیدہ فاطمۃ رضی اللہ عنھا کے °°°° ٣)            کیا تمھیں بدنام کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے ؟😢😢 تو سنو رسول الله ﷺ کی عزت محبوب ترین زوجۃ سیدہ عائشہ صدیقہ رضی اللہ عنھا پر بدنامی کی تھمت لگائی گئی جس کی صفائی میں الله نے عرش سے سورۃ نور نازل فرمائی °°°° ٤)      کیا تمھارے حالات اتنے تنگ ہیں کہ تمھارے پاس کھانے کو کچھ نہیں ؟ تو سنو رسول اللہ ﷺ کے گھر میں دو دو مہینے تک پکانے کو کچھ نہیں ہوتا تھا °°°° ٥)         کیا تمھارے ماں باپ میں سے کوئی فوت ہوگیا ہے ؟😢😢💔 تو سنو رسول الله صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم یتیم پیدا ہوئے اور بچپن میں ہی آپکی والدہ بھی انتقال کرگئی تھیں °°°° ٦)                               کیا تم اپنے گھر بار وطن سے دور ہو ؟ تو سنو رسول الله ﷺ کو آپ ہی کی قوم نے شھر چھوڑنے پر مجبور کردیا تھا °°°° ٧